Well...Im not going for an intensive entry of new figures of the wonderfest...because they're a lot of them on the blogosphere...but...this entry is for my best choices.
Im not going for all because my budget wont allow me, but the figures which made me clink on them.
who is himself there and Tsuki-board database pics.
Also used Hobbystock photos for some of the prototypes, and one DC shoot ^^
FIRST! Nendos obviously
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I would love all the K-ON nendos...but 30€x4 are a bunch of money...so I only want my favourite, Ritsu...and her drums ^^ The first nendo-drums ^^ So she has the highest chance of becoming the choosen.
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Ciel Ciel Ciel.
And the sofa...how awesome nendo-suit ^^
But he has as an indispensable partner...Sebastian *.* So if I get the chance...he is not going to be alone.
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She is a nendo like Rin Kokonoe...I dont know the character, but the nendo is so lovely cute. Charming nendos are a big danger for my wallet.
(pic taken by Yakumo)
She is blue + She is cute...she probably join my army ^^ Go Lucent Theia Go!!!
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Ehm... Guns + female-nendo trausers = win
But the ehm is because I love much more her partner Alphard...Canaan GSC scaled figure seems better than this trausers+joint Canaan ^^
(pic taken by Yakumo)
I love Alphard nendo...so much love....so awesome clothing ^^
Guns+badass nendofaces rule!
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Her outfit is so lovely!! Also armed...this WF is the WF of armed and dangerous nendos...ready to be in my army xDD Her shirt is the best...but also her pupils ^^
Now time to petit nendos!
(pic taken by Yakumo)
Lovely Death note case #02. Maybe I think about buying a couple of them ^^
Because I like #02 more than #01 hehe ^^
(pic taken by Yakumo)
Oooohh....so chicken racing nendo ^^ I hope she's not going to be exclusive ^^
(pic taken by Yakumo)
Nice bunch of rare petits...but not going for them...they could be expensive ^^;
There is the first...Mercedes by Alter is going to be a must have if I want to complete ALTER's odin sphere line...I would love more Velvet or Oswaldo, but this Mercedes is so dinamic and magic ^^ Gwendolyn will have a friend if Mercedes arrives to a sales' price ^^
She is Adilicia Ren Mathers, from Rental Magica...and she is so dinamic ^^
I love her blonde hair. And her haistyle is so Mitsuru!!
Again...Clalaclan Philias...But this time in maid version...so ALICE IN WONDERLAND *.*
Triela from Gunsligner girl...She is so impactant that maybe I can invite her to my collection...she is one of my highest choices.
so lovely figmas...so lovely together...but I've got already a Nanoha so do not want them.
I always wanted a figma with the blue summer uniform...but Tsukasa figma is not as charming as her sister Kagami...*will think more*
Lineage II elf mage by orchid seed...beautiful...isnt she?
but by now not much budget for her ^^;
Another MMORPG girl...this time, Seena from Shining saga...love the scheme ^^
This one is a wave prototype as you can see. She is Aisaka Taiga from Toradora.
Lovely wings ^^
And the last of the most favs...Marin, from Umi Monogatari anata ha ite kureta koto.
I have a big click for her bikini ressemblance to Xianguas' outfit ^^
That's all for today!